07:00 The WRFI student begins their day groggy from a mediocre night’s sleep that had one pee break and several instances of tossing and turning. The WRFI student is already awake when the Leader of the Day (L.O.D.) issues a gentle wake up call. Leaving their tent, they go and eat a light breakfast of oatmeal and coffee with their fellow students. Slowly they start to animate. A joke here, a chuckle there, they will soon be fully alert and with it.

08:00 The group has already begun packing their belongings for a day hike. The WRFI student packs his rain jacket and other warm layers in preparation for the day ahead. The group gear stays in the trailer and the camp gear stays under the tarp set up. Some light stretching with banter. The group gets into the van and heads to Glacier National Park.

09:00-15:00 The group hikes into Glacier, taking the Iceberg Lake Trail. The first 0.2 miles are very tough and steep, however the hike soon turns into a peaceful steady incline. As the group takes in the scenery, they begin to notice ominous storm clouds rolling in. The temperature drops and the winds pick up slightly. Nothing to worry about, a fleece remedies all discomfort. They stop on the trail to do a plant study. This involves students picking a plant unique to Montana and spending time with it. The WRFI student picks a pretty white flower. they observe every minute detail and writes them in his trusted journal. He notes EVERYTHING, he even smells it. The storm comes in right as they finish their plant study. After a quick consultation with the L.O.D., the group decides to egress from the trail. Iceberg Lake will be conquered another time.

16:00 The group arrives back at camp where the weather is much better. The group presents their findings from the plant study. The WRFI student presents the Mariposa lily, a delicate white flower with six petals and a stem that looks like a blade of grass. This flower was a native food source. Everyone loves hearing from each other. It is very fun and spirits are high. There are poems and creative comics involved in the presentations.

17:00 Cook crew begins prepping and cooking dinner while the other students get to reading and writing in their journals. The journals consist of an observation, reflection, and a discussion question related to the readings of the day. There is NEVER enough time to complete these.

18:00 Dinner is served. The Poet of the Day (P.O.D.) recites a poem and people chow down after serving themselves. The dinner is spaghetti and cheesy bread, a delightful carbolicious experience. The group chats and gives the L.O.D. feedback. The instructors brief the group on tomorrow’s plans. The student–his belly full–listens carefully.

19:00 The students on clean up duty must clean all the used cookware before the others may clean their personal bowls. They use soapy water followed by a water rinse, then finally a dip in bleach water before drying. Once this is completed, it is time for bed or reading Kimmerer’s “Ways of Knowing” which discusses Native American science, thus completing the WRFI students day. Exhausted, the WRFI student contemplates the day and sighs, ready for tomorrow’s adventures.