Every Wild Rockies Field Institute course has been approved for college credit through the University of Montana. Students from a wide variety of majors, minors, and concentrations can earn between 3 and 15 academic credits towards their degree. Students attending quarter system schools are able to transfer between 4.5 and 18.5 credits. To date, we have enrolled students from hundreds of colleges and universities across the U.S. and Canada. Upon completion of a WRFI course, students receive an official transcript with traditional letter grades from the University of Montana to transfer the credits back to their home institution. All WRFI courses are considered upper-division, 300-level academic credits at the University of Montana. In addition, our course dates accommodate students at semester system, as well as quarter system, schools.
To discuss how a WRFI course and credits earned through the University of Montana can contribute to your undergraduate studies, please contact the WRFI office.
The University of Montana has accredited all Wild Rockies Field Institute courses since WRFI was founded in 1993. Departmental leadership and faculty at the University of Montana have academic oversight over all of our courses through an annual review process. The School for Extended and Lifelong Learning at the University of Montana serves as an administrative liaison between the Wild Rockies Field Institute and the University of Montana. Currently, WRFI offers courses through the following departments at the University of Montana: Environmental Studies, Natural Resource Science and Management, Geography and Philosophy.
WRFI has alumni from hundreds of colleges and universities across the U.S. and Canada. Since 2008, students from the following schools have successfully transferred credits earned on their WRFI courses:
Allegheny College
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Brevard College
Bucknell University
California Polytechnic
Cleveland State University
College St. Benedict/St. John’s Univ.
Colorado College
Colorado State University
Community College of Vermont
Denver University
Drexel University-Philadelphia
Earlham College
Edgewood College
Eugene Lange
Evergreen State College
Friends University
Gannon College
George Washington University
Green Mountain College
Humboldt State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Indiana University
Ithaca College
James Madison University
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Lawrence University
McDaniel College
Merrimack College
Michigan State University
Middlebury College
Montana State University
North Carolina State University
Northeastern University
Northern Arizona University
Northern Michigan University
Northland College
Ohio University
Oregon State University
Philadelphia University
Post University
Prescott College
Rochester Community & Technical College
Saint Anselm College
Santa Rosa Junior College
Southern Oregon University
St. Joseph’s College
St. Lawrence University
St. Michael’s College
St. Olaf College
Stonehill College
Rutgers University
Temple University
Texas A&M
University of Alaska-Anchorage
University of Arizona
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of California-Berkeley
University of California-Davis
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of California-Santa Cruz
University of Colorado-Boulder
University of Colorado-Colorado Springs
University of Georgia
University of Idaho
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Maine-Orono
University of Maryland
University of Michigan
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
University of Miami-Ohio
University of Minnesota-Duluth
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
University of Montana
University of New Hampshire
University of North Carolina-Asheville
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina-Charlotte
University of North Carolina-Wilmington
University of Oregon
University of Pittsburgh
University of Richmond
University of San Diego
University of South Carolina
University of St. Thomas
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
University of the Ozarks
University of Utah
University of Vermont
University of Washington
University of Waterloo
University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Washington University-St. Louis
West Chester University-PA
West Virginia University
Western Colorado University
Western Michigan University
Western Washington University
Whitman College