Katie Nelson


Katie has worked for WRFI in various capacities since 2013 – instructing in the field, training new instructors, developing curriculum, maintaining WRFI’s gear, and reaching out to prospective students. Before WRFI, she worked as a wilderness ranger, environmental educator, and on wildlife studies in California, Texas, Alberta, Oklahoma, and Montana. Through her Master’s in Environmental Studies at the University of Montana, Katie partnered with the National Park Service to study climate change adaptation issues in designated wilderness. In grad school, she directed a sustainable demonstration house and attended the UN Climate Change Negotiation in Durban, South Africa. She earned a bachelor degree from St. Lawrence University in Global Studies—examining development and globalization through the lenses of culture, economics, and the environment. During three undergraduate study abroad experiences, she learned firsthand the value of experiential education. Katie has taught WRFI’s Colorado Plateau, Conservation Across Boundaries, Montana Afoot and Afloat, and Environmental Ethics courses. With her wife, she is currently a caretaker for a historical site in Missoula, the Moon-Randolph Homestead, and is passionate about justice, wilderness, climate change, natural history, and building relationships between people and between people and the land.