Mason Voehl
Mason Voehl comes from old Minnesota stock. When he met his wife Sarah while studying philosophy at Augustana University, he fell in love twice: once with her, and again with the Black Hills of South Dakota she grew up in. There he learned to climb some of the scariest, most run-out, and most magnificent granite spires in the world. Climbing led to backpacking excursions into the Black Elk and Cloud Peak wildernesses. He took these passions with him to a life in Missoula, Montana and a graduate degree in environmental philosophy.
Mason’s other passions lie in fine food and drink, specifically in the fermenting of hard ciders and baking of sourdough breads. He is also a writer seeking to combine elements of creative non-fiction nature-writing with attention to pressing philosophical questions. He treats his dogs (and his wife) like royalty, as they affirm daily the joys small and large of being alive in a world full of wonder.