Nico Matallana


I grew up in the deep, green forests of the Pacific Northwest, but I truly didn’t find myself and my passions until I came to school out in Montana. Now, six years after that first day that I moved into the dorms, I am still here, exploring and discovering more about this state than I ever thought I would. Needless to say, my time on Montana Afoot and Afloat back in 2013 was pivotal to this love that I’ve grown. I graduated from U of M with degrees in Biology and Environmental Studies, and have been involved with environmental activism and sustainable agriculture. I’ve taught rock-climbing courses for the University’s outdoor program, and have guided backpacking and cross-country skiing trips. On my own time, I love to rock-climb, run, ski and mountaineer. I’m excited to continue adventuring and learning with this year’s Montana Afoot and Afloat course!