Jesse Stenske
My name is Jesse. I grew up in western Wisconsin near the Twin Cities, and I am studying Environmental Planning and Outdoor Education at the University of Wisconsin – River Falls. I joined the Montana Afoot & Afloat expedition in 2018, and my time with WRFI entirely altered the course of my education, my future career path, and my outlook on life.
Living in tents with my WRFI crew for two months in Montana felt like I was living in a dream. There was a perfect blend of routine and exploration. Through this course, I renewed my love for the outdoors and found new interest in outdoor sporting. I felt like it was the only semester in my education where I actually learned a lot and retained the daily lessons and studies. All of this helped me realize my passion for outdoor education and the role I want to play for others in this field.
Currently, I am working my way through the last couple semesters of my undergrad at UWRF. While I enjoy my major, my main passion is with my Outdoor Education minor. I have the pleasure of being a team member at Falcon Outdoor Adventures at UWRF where I am a route setter at the climbing wall as well as a leader for student adventures like rock climbing, backpacking, and kayaking. I’m super pumped for this semester because in the next couple months, I get to lead some really awesome trips like a weekend of ice climbing in northern Minnesota and spring break rock climbing in Arkansas!
I’m excited to be a part of the WRFI Campus Ambassador team because I want to connect more people with the wonderful experiences that WRFI enables. Hopefully, if you’re here reading this, the ambassador team and myself have already gotten you on board the WRFI wagon!
Feel free to reach out to talk!