August 31st, 2012 was the second day of our backpacking expedition in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area; little did we know, it would also be the most grueling and difficult.
6:25am: LOD (Leader of the Day) Faren groggily hears her small watch alarm go off. Time to get up! Her faithful tentmate Mike ensures she dutifully gets out of the
A WRFI summer semester entails full days of travel and academics divided between front country and backcountry in our investigation of ecology, conservation, and management in the Y2Y. By the
As a believer of global climate change, there’s something quite sensational about getting to see what I spend my life learning about, studying, and vocalizing first hand. Hiking to the
Canadian switchbacks? From spending time hiking through the Lewis and Clark Wilderness, Yellowstone, Lee Metcalf and other state areas my sense of trail design was pretty firm. Setting foot on
After five backpack trips, roughly 28 days total spend in the woods, and 57 nights of camping, here are at our last backcountry campsite of the summer. As Jerry Garcia
Having spent most of my life growing up on the East Coast, particularly in the southeast portion of Tennessee, I haven’t had that much exposure to snow, let alone glaciers.
Human beings are really big. There isn’t a place on the planet we don’t touch and we’ve come up with technologies to circumnavigate just about any challenge Nature throws at
High-ho, high-ho, it’s off to hike we go…to ScapegoatPeak that is. And high-ho it sure is! As we embarked on the day’s adventure, I felt like I was living a