The beading sweat from my forehead drips salty reality onto my lips. Fertilizing thoughts of brisk water that rushes my mind faster then the current wrapped around my feet. My
The hardest obstacles to overcome are those that aren’t immediately apparent, such as my two case of dehydration causing me vertigo and discomfort. Much like my body’s dysfunction, causing me
I’m an exchange student from Tokyo, Japan. Although my country is mountainous and 68% of the land is forest, Japan doesn’t have the designated wilderness areas. I took this WRFI
In the days of social media and iPhones, when people know more about Googling the definition of wilderness than how to discover it for themselves, I found myself and six
As we reached 9800 feet in the Snowcrest Mountains our group of seven was exhausted from a long day of backpacking. With stomachs growling, our feet were blistered and exhaustion