Clouds are breaking up; a warm breath of air exposes a patch of sky through the dark overcast- then two and then three! Our group basks in the new sunshine,
The educational environment and expectations in our country have changed a lot in the past few decades. In today’s world, as kids near high school graduation they are expected to
For the last three weeks, some fellow students and I have been biking across the state of Montana while studying energy production and climate change as part of the Cycle
One of my absolute favorite parts of this journey so far is the unbelievable people we’re meeting along the way. From ranchers to activists, coal mine employees to former Peace
After finishing a five-day backpacking trip in Montana’s Snowcrest Mountains, the Wild Rockies Field Institute students (myself included) and instructors ventured out of the wilderness and coolness of the mountains
You know those certain people you meet where you cannot stop listening and nodding in agreement with? The ones where their stories are so captivating and genuine that you’re left
On this human-powered journey across arid and desolate plains of central Montana, we have been hosted by a multitude of people. Each person has had a unique story to
We were all still covered in brown paint and dirt from the activities of the previous days when we met with Mark Sorensen in a dimly lit school room. Mark